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朝天宫(Facing Heaven Palace)
栏目分类:武当景点   发布日期:2016-06-15   浏览次数:


  Facing Heaven Palace ,It was said that the Facing Heaven Palace was the “Sky Line”, which was the dividing line between the heaven and the secular world. In ancient times, when the Taoist priests came here it meant they entered the door to the heaven. So they used to pay worship here first and then climbed up to the Golden Summit.

  There are two ancient paths to the Golden Summit from the Facing Heaven Palace. One built in Qing Dynasty is zigzagged up to the Golden Summit from the left side of the Facing Heaven Palace, but which is relatively flat. The other built in Ming dynasty goes straight up to the Golden Summit from the right side of the Facing Heaven Palace by the way of crossing the First Heaven Gate, the Second Heaven Gate and the Third Heaven Gate, which is rich in beautiful scenery, but steep and dangerous.

  朝天宫 相传,朝天宫被视为“天界”,是天庭与人间的分界线。古时朝武当的信士到此,就相当于进入了天宫的大门,因此,他们都在这儿先礼拜后,再继续登金顶。





来源中国道家养生网 www.daoys.net


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