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琼台中观(Qiongtai Middle Temple)
栏目分类:武当景点   发布日期:2016-06-15   浏览次数:


  Qiongtai Middle Temple ,It was regarded as the Holy Place where Zhenwu was conferred by the Emperor after he attained the Way--- the spirit of Taoism. It was first built in Yuan Dynasty and named Qiongtai Palace; then renovated into upper, middle and lower temples in Ming and Qing Dynasty. Now what we can enjoy are the relics of stone halls in middle temple and the upper and lower temples built in Yuan Dynasty.

   琼台中观 相传为真武得道受封之圣地。元代始建,称为“琼台宫”;明清时修葺扩建,建有上观、中观、下观等。现存元代建的中观石殿和上下观遗址。


来源中国道家养生网 www.daoys.net


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