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玉虚宫(Jade Void Palace)
栏目分类:武当景点   发布日期:2016-06-15   浏览次数:


  Jade Void Palace ,It was first built in the 10th year of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty (1412AD) and then renovated in the 31st year of Emperor Jiaqing of the Ming Dynasty (1552AD).Its rooms of the halls, temples, convents amount to more than 2,200, and it is the largest palace in the mountain. The whole complex adopted royal architectural style and the main buildings are connected by an imaginary line along a central axis. With the circled palaces and walls, glazed tiles, the dignified and imposing halls, the whole complex represented the supreme power and authority emperors enjoyed during the feudalistic dynasties. The people in Ming Dynasty took it as the Afang Palace in Qin Dynasty. Its original grandness can be imagined from the relics.

  玉虚宫 明永乐十年(1412年)敕建,明嘉靖三十一年(1552年)扩建,各种建筑达2200余间,是全山规模最大的一宫。整个建筑采取宫廷建筑法式,以严谨的中轴线对称布局,宫殿重重,飞金流碧,富丽堂皇,宫墙环护,营造出帝宫威武、庄严、肃穆的气势。明人曾将其与秦阿房宫相媲美,现从留存的遗址仍可见当年宏伟的气势。





来源中国道家养生网 www.daoys.net


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